Flight of Intrigue Clues
Puzzle 1: Reflection
Locate the mirror with blue writing on it and the horse notecard.
Hold the horse notecard in front of the mirror so that you can see the writing reflected in the mirror.
Align the writing in the notecard with the writing on the mirror until you see numbers.
The numbers you see in the mirror will be 8-3-2.
Open the lock on the jewelry pouch with the code 8-3-2.
Puzzle 2: Cryptex
Locate the notecard with colorful shapes on it and the decoder ring with similar shapes.
Use the decode ring to find the shapes on the notecard and what letter they correspond to.
The correct answer is a real word.
The decoded answer is TRAIN.
Align the letters TRAIN on the Cryptex and slide the device open.
The code must line up with the arrows very well, or the lock will not open.
The keys on old suitcases can be difficult. You may only need to rotate the key a half turn to open the lock.
Puzzle 3: Photos
Locate all of the photos, five total.
Flip the photos over to see the mazes.
Use the vis-à-vis marker to solve the mazes.
Only three of the mazes can be solved; put aside the invalid mazes.
On the three remaining photos, flip them over and count how many people are in each photo.
Order the photos from the least to the most number of people in them.
Flip the photos back over and get the answer 1-9-4.
Open the lock on the heart case with the code 1-9-4.
Puzzle 4: Jewelry
Locate all three necklaces and the notecard with the clue.
Do as the clue suggests and put on all three necklaces at the same time.
Count the number of beads/baubles on each necklace. For example, the shortest necklace has 7 beads/baubles on it.
Start with the number of beads/baubles on the shortest necklace, then the mid-length necklace, then the longest necklace.
The answer to this puzzle is 7-3-9.
Open the lock on the leather pouch using the code 7-3-9.
The keys on old suitcases can be difficult. You may only need to rotate the key a half turn to open the lock.
Puzzle 5: Lights
Locate the key hidden inside of the green case.
The key is inside of the socks.
Use the key on the lock inside of the blue case.
Watch the LED panel and look at the lights.
When the sequence restarts, count the number of illuminated lights shown. For example, the first number of the sequence is 7.
When the sequence restarts, count the number of illuminated lights shown. For example, the first number of the sequence is 7.
The answers to the puzzle is 7-5-10-1.
Use the code 7-5-10-1 on the rotary knobs.
DO NOT force the knobs to turn.
Puzzle 6: Handkerchiefs
Locate all eight of the handkerchiefs.
Place the handkerchiefs in order by days of the week.
Do not include the handkerchief that doesn’t have a day of the week.
Start with Sunday.
Note the color of the border on each handkerchief.
Use the colors in the order of the days of the week.
The answer to this puzzle is red, blue, yellow, blue, green, green, yellow.
Press the square buttons in the clue case in the order red, blue, yellow, blue, green, green, yellow.
Puzzle 7: Journal
Locate the blacklight and the journal.
Open the journal and shine the blacklight on the pages.
Focus the blacklight on the inside front cover.
The directions are on the inside of the front cover and say to locate the invalid dates in the journal.
Puzzle 8: Journal Continued
Locate the journal and pocket reference.
Using the pocket reference, identify which entries in the journal are invalid.
At the back of the pocket reference is a calendar that can be referred to.
Some of the months only have 30 days, but there are entries for the 31st of those months.
In the invalid entries, look for directions.
The answer to this puzzle is down-up-up-down.
Change the position of the toggle switches to down-up-up-down.
Puzzle 9: Tickets
Locate all twelve of the tickets.
Sort the tickets by date (there are three different dates).
The same person cannot have made all of these trips, so some of the tickets are fake.
Starting with the first date and ending with the last date, try to find a continuous route.
The traveler will arrive in one city, then leave from that same city to continue on their trip.
The first valid ticket is for London to Bucharest.
The second valid ticket is for Bucharest to Berlin.
The third valid ticket is for Berlin to Warsaw.
The answer to this puzzle is London to Bucharest to Berlin to Warsaw.
Complete the route using the cables and the cities in the blue suitcase.
NOTE: When entering this in the switchboard, you must connect Start to London and Warsaw to End.
Puzzle 10: Listen
Locate the pocket reference.
Lookup Morse Code in the pocket reference.
Write down the sounds that you hear, in order.
You should hear these sequences:
- Long, long, long, long, short
- Short, short, long, long, long
- Short, short, short, short, long
- Long, short, short, short, short -
Think of these as dots and dashes instead:
- dash, dash, dash, dash, dot
- dash, dash, dot, dot, dot
- dot, dot, dot, dot, dash
- dash, dot, dot, dot, dot -
Use the pocket reference to convert these to numbers.
The answer to this puzzle is 9-2-4-6.
Enter the code 9-2-4-6 instead the number dial.